Sunday, November 23, 2008

End Times - Got popcorn?

Yes, the End Times are being televised. Will programming all become X-rated when The Chosen are raised naked to heaven, or will it be pay-per-view? If there aren't plasma sets in heaven I don't want to go. I'd much rather stay behind to watch "Desperate Heathens".

I have received several (OK, one) emails saying they don't think I'm that smart or write that well. This person claims to be a doctor too (As IF!) Probably a podiatrist. Personal attacks on me are not allowed here. If I have not deviated from Pat Buchanan and Jerry Falwell's core beliefs in my writing and this frightens some people, the sheer brilliant magnitude of it, well go take your idiot pills and come back when you are out of the Depends. I won't stoop to generalizations, personal attacks or base insinuations, all you fools out there. Why would I even need to stoop to that, cretins? My obvious popularity doth negate.

I'm kind of glad these are the End Times. I'm tired of being late on the rent and not being able to pay the electric. I'm sure when my new book is published that fully exposes my methodologies/wisdoms that all doubts will be laid to rest. Why do you suppose they call the Great Beyond so great? It's because it's so far beyond people, which is why my place there is obviously secure.

My name is Mike Moral and it's October 23, 2008, nigh the end of all existence.

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